Thursday, May 28, 2015

This is  a 5 year old Fox trotter  named Jesse  owned by Merri Ann Morrell of NM. After his long trip here today it seemed like he was rested enough for Jesse and I  to have our first ride together. He was everything  his owner said he was , sweet, great listener, gentel and calm.  I think we have a great match with him and his owner and he is here for advancement in his education.. Thank you About the Horse Saddles for your great designs that make my job easy and the horses comfortable. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

All TWH's from TW ranch in Russell Canada.
Bare-foot, bit-less and natural gaits and HAPPY!
L to R: Katy of Canada, Yvonne of Germany,  Wiebce of Germany ,Liz G of USA, Sarah of Canada, Sarah of Switzerland.

This is Gideon a 9 year old Rocky I have just started under saddle. 
The pure  sweet and softness that he expresses through his eye is about  honesty and trust. Although he had never been taught anything in his 9 years with people, he was never abused and lived in a peaceful, trusting environment. It made my job easy and fun as he had no baggage with him in his starting. He loves his job in riding and living with people. I love this quote as it is so true.