Sunday, September 27, 2015

         The Drone Horse

Some thoughts on those drone made horses which so many admire or try to create. Beware! The drone horse can be a dangerous horse in some instances if just that one or even multiple buttons get pushed. Either by enough accumulating times or just that one moment that creates the perfect storm. A drone horse learns how to go inside themselves.
Some will live their entire lives with tolerance as a drone horse.Others will wait, they will tolerate, they collect and  accumulate every emotion of every moment one has pushed them deeper inside themselves, until that one stimulation that brings them out to the surface. It is not pretty. It is not fun for them or you. Their life to them may not be worth one more abuse be it disrespect, another days pain in use, or one more tolerating moment whether known or unknown to the handler or rider.
It is to them worth the scream they make physically to express and be heard while unknowingly that is could even cost them a trip to the  slaughter pen.
Sometimes by some looking back on the big picture of these horses lives by the loving and compassionate that were watching from the outside with no avenue to help, it was of no surprise in the end. 
That moment of the perfect storm.
No horse deserves the life of a drone, just as we would not of our own.
Elizabeth Graves 2015