The Ribbon
Oh the brightness of a new day in the beautiful Colorado landscape, an exciting day. One she had been waiting for, yet was nervous about as well. The work she had put in getting ready for the big day, the fun and friends she had made along the way. It was all coming together at one time with her parents coming to see how well she had used her time in riding lessons with Col. Robertson , retired US Calvary.
The year is 1958 and all the parents of her fellow students will be there.
It’s a “Fun Day” to share how well all the students have done in their young journeys by way of the horse.
She brushed her little mare extra today and whispered kind, gentle words to her lesson mare reminding her of the relationship they had developed over time. She tacked the mare up just right checking everything twice. All the children were giddy with excitement and each so proud of there learning’s under the expert instruction of the Coronal. The big event of the day was the speed event though. Who had the fastest horse!
The winner would be whoever’s horse was fastest to the tree with a carrot placed in the fork of the tree to entice the horses.
Her turn had arrived, she takes her small 9 year old hand and places it softly on her mare’s neck and the electricity of understanding passes between her and the mare, they both know how badly they want to get to the tree.
She and her mare line up into position, all at the same time she urges her mare forward, with her little legs squeezing her mare to go, the mare hears her communication clearly. She feels the air pushing on her face, making wisps of her hair tickle her face and neck, and to the tree horse and girl fly.
Oh the pride, the pride in the mare and the pride in herself.
The prized blue ribbon is hers to cherish for a life time to come, just one important event to build a career upon by way of the horse.
It was an event that gifted so many over the years with her dedication to be a student first and teach so many along the way and share in her passion of understanding the horse.
That little girl was Lee Ziegler and the ribbon above is the very ribbon she won that day.
Liz Graves
Copyright 2011