Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Minesota green Gang!

This is one happy crew, they have waited 6 months for the glorious green stuff!

TWH Stryker the rubber band boy he's so elastic. Cant believe he has not got his legs crossed to get closer as it's not uncommon for him to do so!
TWH Major who has to be on very sparse grass due to his Thyroid.
Love his big old time walking horse head.
TWH April, daughter of Millers Superman, a line I love. My very multi gaited girl!
Quarter horse Lassie who who is 26 this year and have had her since a few months old.
What a great mare she is!
RMH Pretty Boy Floyd falling in love with the MN green!

I did not get a photo of Doodles today but will.
This is my horse
family that are my friends, my healers when life gets hard and my partners in work!
