Horsey Ice Pops
Here is one of those fun "makes you feel good" things you can do for your horses.
A couple that came by the ranch a few years ago shared this idea and I've spiffed it up a bit over time.
This is also a good way to keep horses winter boredom at bay and I get lots of training horses in that are wood chewers so this is another way to curb that desire as well.
Most important element is that you must first live in the right part of the country in which you can freeze water solid out side.
Use one 5 gallon bucket filled 3/4's full with water. Don't over fill or the bucket will split when frozen water expands.
1 cup chopped apple,the apples will float.
1 cup shredded carrots. Don't cut carrots into disk as horses can get theses stuck and possible choke could occur.
The carrots shreds will sink.
1 cup grain
The grain will sink.
So you will have treats on both ends of frozen pops.
1/2 cup Electrolyte mix.
1/2 cup sugar. I use raw sugar just because it's what I use around the house.
Optional: food color to desired depth of color. I use food color when putting the Pops outside so I can see them when the horses are playing with them so they stand out against the white snow. In an unheated barn for stall use food color is not needed.
Mix well
Place buckets outside till frozen solid then bring in to warmth for about 30 minutes for side of bucket to warm up just enough to slide pops out of buckets.
Depending on the horse and weather I get 1-2 weeks of use by a horse.

For the fella to stop wood chewing or just because they are wonderful, a frozen Thai Pandan custard pie.
Happy freezing!