Tomi Finkle & Magnum on the right
Jean Fredlund and her Fox trotter Sinclair
Special People and Their Special Horses
Providing Community Services!
How blessed we are to have those special individuals that put forth the desire,time and work to do community service with their horses. It is a special breed of person that works so hard doing the rigorous training they put forth of them selves and their horses, including the testing to be accepted just to work in these important programs.
All to often I feel they are over looked and do not receive the recognition they so deserve for all they do for us when called upon.
From my self and those that just never thought of it, THANK YOU so much for the great job you do for us all.
Below are some I know and hope you can take the time to search some folks like these out in your travels to meet and get to know.
Jean Fredlund RDH and her horse Sinclair
Dakota County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol
MN Sheriff's Mounted Posse Association
Search, and recovery Resources of MN
Tomi' Finkle and her horse Magnum
Trotstar Mounted Search and Rescue Team, MD
Jacquie Cowen and her horse Gatsby
Trotstar Mounted Search and Rescue Team, MD
Janice McDonald and her horses Trausti, Tiver, Jasper
Mounted Posse Search and Rescue, Florida
You are appreciated!